Friday, December 27, 2013

Backup / Restore Template in Blogger New Interface

Backup Blogger Template

  1. Open your blogger dashboard.
  2. Point to your blog menu and select template.
                                         blog template
  3. Press Backup/Restore button located at the top right corner.
                             backup restore button
  4. Click on “Download full template” button.
                           download template
  5. You are done!
Now you have successfully stored a fresh backup of your blog template in your PC. Keep it in a safe place where you keep remembered it. So that, when required you could restore it without any headache. Now, let see how to restore a template.

Restore Blogger Template?

Restoring a blogger template is also a very quick and easy job. Let see how to do it.
  1. Repeat step #1 to #3 that you did while taking back up your template.
  2. Click on Choose File button.
  3. Select your backup file from the location where you have kept it. Tip: It will be an .XML file
                           upload template
  4. Now simply press the Upload button and you are done.
These are some quick steps to restore template in blogger. If you are new to blogging and wanna some best results with it, then you must have to optimize your blog for better search engine optimization. Check out these 9 Tips To Reduce Blog Load Time and optimize your blog to the next level. 


Please give your valuable feedback about this tutorial by simply leaving a comment on this post. I tried my best to explain you how to take backup and restore blog template in blogger new interface. If still you are in any doubt, then feel free to ask your queries via comments. I will surely reply to your comment to resolve your problems. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

7 Tips To Increase Google Plus Followers For Best Online Reputation

Here are a few quick tips which you must look into (if you have not done that so far) to improve your G+ presence:

1: Complete your G+ profile

While most of us do create a G+ profile, not many go ahead and complete it by furnishing all the details like education, address, employers, adding a profile picture, etc.
Select the “Edit profile” to add all relevant details to your profile. Also take care to furnish details of all websites and blogs to which you contribute regularly by adding to the “Contributor Section”. This is of utmost importance to claim your Google authorship.

2: Integrate G+ profile with other social networks

This will make your profile look more authentic and will thus help you attract more G+ followers in the long run.

3: Follow other people

You are likely to be followed back by people whom you follow.
Look for people who share the same or similar interests as you and follow them. Besides the possibility of getting more followers, it will help you get more exposure in your chosen field.

4: Help other people

Merely creating a G+ profile and not working on it will get you nowhere. Spend a few minutes on your profile everyday to help other people.
If you are, for instance, an affiliate marketer, look for people who have posted questions regarding Affiliate Marketing or are looking for information on that topic. Provide them meaningful information on that topic, so that they will want to follow you back.

5: Invite people to follow you

Add your Google plus profile link to your Author Bio, to your email signature and invite all friends and family to follow you on Google plus. It would be a good idea to place them in a different circle though, and not in the same circle as your business acquaintances or online contacts so that their profiles do not get spammed by your posts which do not interest them.

6: Add a Google Plus badge

Besides that, adding the Google plus badge to your blog or website really helps. You can add one by checking out on the widgets in your Dashboard. If you know how to place your “Facebook Like box” or “Follow me on Twitter” box, this should be easy for you.

7: Join Google plus communities

Share your posts, views, ideas and opinions with like minded people by joining Google plus communities with similar or same interests as yours. You can even create your own community and invite people to join it.
You would like to read about:


Follow these simple tips and tricks to attract more followers on Google plus to build up a following for yourself. These tips will surely help you get more G+ followers. If you have any more tips which helped you get more followers, please do share them here with our readers by writing to us via the Comments section. If you enjoyed reading this post, please don’t forget to add me in your G+ circle. Thanks!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Easy To Voice changer calling in your mobile...

Prank your friends, surprise your family.
Use your app to make calls with our voice changer.Calls are make using your wifi and not with your cellular company.
The first calls are free, next calls are very cheap (1 cent per minute for USA).
Use this app responsibly, your caller id is not masked.
The service does not cover calls to emergency phone numbers and should not be used as such.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

What Everyone Ought To Know About Web Content Optimization?

Optimizing Text

One of the most crucial steps in web content optimization is optimizing all written texts because in the first place, search inputs come in text formats returning matched keywords to your potential visitors (using the search engine’s algorithm nobody knows). On top of this, it is very important to include all information of your site in the landing/ home pages.
For title tags, most sites often take its importance for granted not knowing that they are actually essential elements for web optimization. You should put something inside the <title></title> tag in HTML code so users can easily determine which page are they in just by looking at the title bar.

For meta descriptions, these are key pieces of information presented to your audience after the search engine displays the descriptor text from your site. Successful meta descriptions display a snippet on the content of your site essential for your visitors to know whether it is relevant or not. Concisely use relevant keywords and avoid metas such as “This is our home page”. You should also keep it between 150 and 160 characters per description as exceeding length will be omitted.

For URLs, maintain keywords that have descriptive value on your content. The URL structure should be optimized with straightforward and meaningful keywords describing your content. You can also incorporate long relevant keywords so search results can find your contents easier.

Optimizing Images

Since most users often search for visual contents such as images, all media and graphic contents of your site should be optimized as well. Image contents can also appear in Web search results if you’re hitting the correct keyword relevant to the search phrase. Furthermore, your image contents can also appear in top search results even if you don’t have the relevant text contents – the image itself helps!
In order to optimize image contents, concisely incorporate relevant keywords to your meta tags such that it creates a contextual meaning for your visitors. These metas include source (file name and location), and title tags. Read more about image optimization here.

Optimizing Videos

Since creating video contents is somewhat mainstream and easy for marketers to incorporate in their site, you should take note how interesting and compelling your videos are to the visitors. Keep in mind that you have other huge competitors online. After reviewing video content’s quality, create a branded channel for your business in huge video streaming sites such as Youtube and Vimeo. This will leverage other contents of your site and make a buzz in the online market. Video titles and descriptions should possess an appealing and dynamic tone clearly portraying the video contents.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

10 Non Crappy Tips To Increase Facebook Fan Page Likes

1. Creating a Page and updating info: The first task to perform is to create a Facebook page and update its basic information. Basic information requires short description, profile picture, cover picture and other details you want to provide to your viewers. Profile picture and cover picture should be related to your fan page. It may be logo of your blog or something else which you wish to show to the users.

2. Inviting your friends: After creating and updating info of the page, you have to invite your friends to get some quick likes for free. This can be done through your page settings. You can also ask your friends for hitting the like button. This is the basic step, which will give you few no. of likes initially.

3. Sharing your page: Sharing your page in different groups is important. People of same interest will like your fan page to be updated with your posts. You can ask your friends to share it on their wall. Even you can get more FB likes to your blog posts by sharing them in groups.

4. Sharing on bigger pages: This is an excellent trick which will work for you very efficiently. In this method you need to contact the admins of bigger pages and ask them for sharing your fan page. For this you need to build good relationships first among the bloggers. If you are having good relationships, then you will definitely get your page being shared on other pages’ wall. This works great as the audience associated with that page believes on that particular page and hence, will love your page too.

5. Updating your page regularly: Updating your page regularly is very necessary. Initially, you need to post status and different articles or their links on a regular interval. This will make your page more engaging. More engagement will definitely help you in increasing the number of likes.

 6. Quiz Organization: Quiz organizing makes your readers interested in your page. They love your updates, answer your questions to check their knowledge or improve it. You can also put some giveaways for the winners.

7. Say bye to spamming: You need to avoid spamming on your page. It’s your readers’ trust and you have to provide the information, for which your page is created and liked by others. Post only useful links with proper description and images.

8. Images are genius: What I said? Images!!! Yes, instead of putting direct links, putting some good looking images forward help you in getting more traffic on your post as well as your blog. When someone will like your image, the information will be sent to other friends of that user also via news feed or ticker. And that may help you in more likes. Check: how to drive traffic to your website with facebook images.

9. Facebook Page Popup Box: Put a popup box on your blog for the visitors to like your Facebook page. This directly gives you more likes as people will be able to see that you have a fan page and further they can see your updates on Facebook. It increases the rate of like by more than 50%.

10. Giveaways on your blog: This is a magic trick. In this trick, you organize a giveaway on your blog and ask people to like your fan page to win an entry. If you are giving something good in this giveaway, more will be the traffic and the visitors to your blog; and hence more will be the no. of likes.

Over To You!

These methods are pure white hat methods and you can see these methods giving you better results in a very short period of time. Follow this guide and you can ask your queries and suggest your methods to increase the number of targeted likes on your Fan page. I used the word targeted here, as I have not mentioned black hat methods, which will give you number of likes, but not good readers. So, follow white hat tricks and achieve success which works forever. 
If you are planning to buy facebook likes for quick results then you must go through this article: 3 Creepy Myths about ‘Buying’ Facebook Likes Nobody Wants to Tell You!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How to Avoid Hashtags Abuse?

1# Don’t be Obvious

Let’s say you have a post that you want to promote on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook to drag in a quick wave of traffic and hopefully keep some of them as permanent readers. This post could be about Miley Cyrus – for argument’s sake – and if you’re looking to get some hits off of Twitter, the obvious choice #mileycyrus. However, everyone is going to be using that tag, especially after she’s done something else controversial.

2# Take the Subtle, Yet Effective Approach

Instead of going for the obvious tag, you should try and work something into your share. Like for instance “Perhaps #miley should stop…”. With a Tweet like that, you’re still getting some juice from the Miley Cyrus buzz but, you don’t look like you’re out of place. Besides, Twitter can do all the rest.
This way you’re still targeting the topic but, you get to be the site standing above the noise.
Going this route isn’t super-effective for an instant boost of traffic however, this is one of the more effective ways to keep those readers coming back, following your Twitter account and retweeting your later tweets. It’s the small things that count when earning respect online.
3# Avoid “Hashtag Abuse

Recently, the Internet and the media as a whole have turned to “Hashtag Abuse”. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it’s essentially a way to describe the over-use of hashtags in a post, like this:
“New #iphone from #apple, #64bit CPU, faster than ever with #touchid #fingerprintreader #happytimes
Only one or two hashtags are needed for a post to get attention. It’s all in how you use them, too.
4# Take Your Time and Turn Off Auto-Sharing

Depending on the amount of posts you’re sending to your Twitter account, auto-sharing your posts as Tweets is probably doing you more harm than good. Especially if you use one hashtag for all of your posts. If it’s manageable, you’re far better off doing things manually. Sharing a post manually to Twitter doesn’t take too much longer and that way you can better choose which hashtags to use. Not every post needs the same hashtag and in some cases, the right hashtag can be all your post needs to really take off.


So, this was the little guide on how to avoid hashtag abuse. If you are also doing the same mistakes, then stop it now and start using hashtags effectively. Please don’t forget to share your views. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Appendipity Themes Review: Premium WordPress Genesis Child Themes

Responsive blog layout is in demand now a days and every smart blogger is moving to responsiveness to make his/her blog compatible with Google’s ranking algorithms. Here Appendipity Themes comes in action. The features they are providing in their themes to their customers is totally out of the box and they challenge other themes provider can’t beat their work. They believe in simplicity – simplicity with awesomeness.
Why Should You Try Appendipity Themes?
Appendipity Themes is all about Responsiveness, Unique Signature Features, and above all, the best possible User Experience. In a very affordable price, you are going to get the best Genesis theme for your blog that will boost its overall performance, ranking and earnings too. Let’s take a look about the features 
of Appendipity Themes.

Signature Features

All Appendipity Themes come with 6 amazing signature features that you can’t get in any other themes. These 6 signature features will not only add more functionality to your blog but you can improve your blog’s loading speed also because they reduced the need of installing extra plugins that slow your blog down.

Here are the top 6 signature features:

1: Flynn Message Board

You can set your custom message to display on single page or post. It’s really interesting feature that can increase your click through rate. Suppose you are writing a post about SEOPressor WordPress Plugin, then you can put SEOPressor download link (i.e your affiliate link) in Flynn Message Board that will increase the CTR and your affiliate earnings too! :D
PS: Check out Flynn Message Board in action below the header of this blog.

2: Above Post Banner
Above Post Banner feature allow you to add custom banner, video, texts etc. above to the particular post or page title. You can make use of it as you want.
For example: Suppose if you are an internet marketer and promoting some affiliate products in your blog then it’s truly not possible to add banners of all those products. So, using Above Post Banner feature you can add affiliate banner to that post only which is highly related to that product. It’ll increase your overall revenue.
3: Comment Bubble and Social Share Bar
Increase your readers’ engagement by displaying comment bubble and social sharing buttons on your blog posts. When readers notice great number of comments on blog posts they feel good to leave their feedback too that will improve your blog’s engagement.

                              Comment Bubble
Now you have no need to install extra social share plugins to your blog. Appendipity Themes have their own social share bar that will not only help you to boost your social signals but also reduce your blog loading time by protecting you installing any extra plugin for social share buttons.

                              social share bar
You will get two social share bars: above the post and after that post. It will remind your readers to share your posts. Hence, better social share traffic. :D

Sunday, December 15, 2013


It is common observation that some times our computer slows down due to low performance of hard drive. This problem happens due to the slow performance or poor speed of hard drive. When we say about poor performance, actually we mean, poor speed of reading/writing of hard drive. This problem can be solved by increasing the hard drive speed. Follow these steps to solve your problem.

Click Start menu and select run.
Now type (sysedit.exe) in run and press enter.
System configuration editor will appear.
Here you can see some multiple windows but you will select (system.ini).
This window contains a line (386enh)
Now after this line type (irq14=4096)
Now close this window and save it.
Reboot your computer now.
You will surely feel better performance of your computer.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Implement Hashtagging Directly on Your Website with #HASHCORE

Hashtags has provided us a great way to increase our brand exposure. If you are not using hashtags to share your posts on social media site like facebook, then let me tell you that you are really missing a wider and targeted audience to your brand. Hashtags allow us to make our posts searchable for all the active users on facebook. Now we are not limited to our facebook fans to promote our brand. Interesting?

Not only the facebook, all major Social Media services such as Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr or Google+ now allowing users to use hashtags to join the conversation on that particular topic. Increase our online presence and yes a better chance to discover our targeted market.

Power of Hashtags is now beyond to our expectations. Then why not to implement it to our blog posts to keep our content more lively for our readers. It’ll help us to engage readers on our blog and website with the most up-to-date information. But how to implement them in our articles?? Here is the solution named #HASHCORE

#HASHCORE helps to deliver real time information to our content to make it more interesting and worth reading for our readers. Fill the gap between our content and social and more interesting part is that it harness the power of hashtags without worrying to do it manually :D
Let’s take a look what #HASHCORE can do for us:

1. Display Social Media Feeds: If you know what hashtags can do for us, then definitely you will be interesting to apply the power of hashtags to your content. #HASHCORE is the best solution that allow the publishers to display social media feeds on their website. No need to hyperlink the Hashtags, simply insert a small code to your website and #HASHCORE will automatically link those hashtags to the up-to-date sources such as twitter. :)

2. Increase Twitter Followers Organically: Most of bloggers or website owners struggle to increase twitter followers. They can boost their twitter followers count if they make it easy for users to find their Follow me button.

#HASHCORE will link hashtags within your content and display the live feed related to that topic. Whenever a reader will click the hashtagged word within your content, it’ll show your twitter follow button to the obvious place that will increase the chances to get more targeted twitter followers instantly

I personally tested #HASHCORE and get a great experience with it. Below are some summary about it:
  • Show Social Media Feeds Within Content
  • Make content more lively with up-to-date information about particular topic
  • Engage readers to the content
  • Increase Blog Visit time
  • Increase followers on Twitter
  • and many more..
Don’t go with my words. Test it yourself and enjoy the power of hashtags directly on your website or blog 

Friday, December 13, 2013

How to Unblock Websites at School, Work, Home or Anywhere

Which websites are most commonly Blocked?

The most commonly blocked websites include websites about pop culture, health, medicine, women, religion and politics. Social websites that are often blocked include Blogger (Blogspot) blogs, Google News, Facebook, Orkut, MySpace, Bebo, Flickr, Hulu, LinkedIn, Yahoo! Messenger, Typepad, eBay, WikiLeaks, Digg, Reddit, Technorati, StumbleUpon, Delicious, YouTube, DMOZ etc.

Access Blocked Websites at School, Work or Anywhere

There are many genuine reasons for which you might visit blocked websites at your school or office. Given below are the many ways you can use to regain access to the blocked website you wish to visit.

1. Cache: Many search engines maintain a cache of web pages indexed by them. You can search for a website on Google , Yahoo! or Bing and click on the cached link that is given next to the result. To load the web pages more quickly, you can visit the text-only version.

2. Using Google Mobile Search: Google Mobile Search acts as a proxy which you can use easily. It removes all the CSS styling and JavaScript and presents a stripped down version of the web page to the user from it's own server. Due to this, the blocking software feels that you are visiting Google, whereas in reality, you are viewing the blocked website. It also breaks larger pages into many smaller ones. Go to Google Mobile Search.

3. To access a blocked website, you can enter the IP address instead of the URL in your browser's address bar. This can bypass most basic forms of website blocks. Although if the blocking software maps the IP address to the website domain, the website will still remain blocked. You can find the IP address of the website by pinging the website domain name in command prompt and noting its IP address. Execute ping in command prompt to ping

4. Access Blocked Websites using Google Translate or Yahoo! Babelfish. You can also use translational services to get on blocked websites. To do so, enter a language different from the website in the 'From' field and English in the "To" field. You can also use this method to bypass software that block websites on the basis of specific keyword mentions. Just translate the URL you wish to visit in a different language to overcome the keyword block.

5. Proxy Websites: There are many proxy websites (anonymizers) which open blocked websites on their servers and present the data to you. This hides from the service providers the address of the website you are trying to visit. Few popular free ones include HideMyAss, Anonymouse and KProxy.

6. Use RSS Readers for Accessing Restricted Blogs: All blogs syndicate their content via RSS feeds which you can subscribe to in web based RSS Readers like Bloglines to access blocked content. For example, the RSS feed of this blog is located at

7. Use IP Address to Decimal Conversion: If you cannot access blocked websites, you can enter the decimal number of the URL's IP address to get access to restricted websites. Search Google for IP to Decimal + IP Address of the banned website and Google will convert it into decimal. Enter that into your browser's address bar and see if the blocked website opens.

8. Create a 2 layered Unblocker: Just go to Google Translate or Yahoo! Babelfish, open any proxy website inside it and then use that proxy website to access your blocked website. In this way, you can achieve two layered website unblocking.

9. TOR: TOR or The Onion Router is a free software that protects the privacy and security of its users by channeling data through multiple nodes so as to prevent the orginal data from being unscrambled. Although browsing through TOR is a bit slow, it is one of the most effective ways of bypassing restricted websites.

10. To unblock blocked websites, just add to their URL. For example, if this blog ( is blocked, you can visit it by going to

11. Opera Mini Simulator: Opera offers a web based version of Opera Mini to allow users to get an experience of what it is like. You can use this demo version to access most websites that offer their mobile versions. Even websites that do not offer a mobile version can be viewed through this, although the quality of the results obtained may not be that good.

12. Changing DNS servers: A common way of blocking websites is preventing DNS servers from giving the locations of the blocked website's servers. In such a scenario, changing your DNS servers to OpenDNS's or Google's DNS will be your best option to get over the block. As an additional advantage, this will also increase your internet speed.

13. VPN Software: VPN or Virtual Private Network Software can be described as a tunnel under the public network that offers more anonymity than proxy websites as it also encrypts the data transferred by the blocked website thus, offering complete anonymity when you access your favorite web applications. Although most VPN software are available as paid software only, HotSpotShield is a popular free alternative.

14. IP Hiding Software: Sometimes, websites block users on a particular IP address from visiting themselves. In such cases, free IP hiding software like UltraSurf can be used to visit them. While free software offer very less features as compared to paid ones, they are still effective for overcoming most common blocks.

15. Edit your host files: Some malware and blocking software edit your host files and add a website's address to prevent you from visiting that website. In such a scenario, you can edit your host file with Notepad by visiting “C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc” if C is your system drive and remove that website. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, a warning from UAC might be displayed while editing your host files.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Craft Successful Content Marketing Through Social Media

1# Build a brand
The first step towards successfully utilizing social media as a content marketing strategy is to build up your reputation. Yes, your status will compel others to read what you share and to re-share. Presenting yourself as brand is important.
Let us understand it through an example. If you share a content somewhere on Facebook and you have been an active participator in the discussions and hangouts in that group, people will surely follow your link. The case is otherwise for those who drops a link and forget it.
So, how can you set up yourself as a brand?
The answer is by engaging with your connections, active participating in discussions and being in touch with people around you. This is going to take some time. Social media like LinkedIn points out the active members explicitly in any group. I have personally noticed that I get more connections requests when I am active in some discussions.
It’s not the people who you join that is going to pay off but the people who joins you are those who are willing to have a relationship with you. These people will be eager for your articles and re-share when they find something useful. These are your genuine and loyal readers.
2# Create Useful Content

It’s the plain old thing – Content is the king. If you want your articles to be shared, your content must be great. Poor content might get read but will never attract social media engagement. If someone finds your article useful for them, they will refer it to their audience and you get a wider reach.
I have already written much about Creating Useful Content – you can read it here.

3# Choose your audience

Are you engaging with wrong audience? If yes, then most certainly you are wasting your time and your social media strategy for content marketing is not going to work. It’s the people who are particularly interested in your niche that is gonna benefit you. If you are sharing an article about Search Engine Optimization in a group named “Cars”, you are surely wasting your time.

The problem is how to choose your right audience.
With time people are going to connect to you on their behalf. But for the start up, you have to give time to study what people are talking about and discover what kind of content they share. Searching people with the same interests as yours, and following/adding them will build up your audience.

4# Your presentation skills

So, you have been dropping links on Social Media and hoping for shares and likes and traffic to your blog? Perhaps you won’t benefit from it. The way you put up your content on Social media will be the driving factor. No one notices how and what you have in your articles and how much deep understanding you have about the subject, unless they go to your blog and read it. And to attract people to your blog, give them something at first hand . Eye-catching titles with a brief (and best) descriptions about the topic, attaching a highly contextual image will surely do the job.
It’s been noticed that when an image is attached along with a link, it is going to attract 3 times more readers and there are 32% more chances for re-shares and likes.
5# And last, it will take time.

It didn’t take Jeff Bullas to reach to 2 lakh visitors in a week. It will take time – both your branding and your reach.

Final Words

Social media has the greatest influential power. With right content marketing strategy on social media, you are going to drive success to your blog. You have to constantly produce high quality articles and engage with your audience.
Do I missed some points? I’ll love to hear that from you. Do mention it in comments – what’s your content marketing strategy through social media.

How To Add Keywords in Blogger Posts For Optimization?

Optimize Blog Posts By Adding Keywords Smartly

Before I cover today’s topic, you must need to know that adding too much keywords in blog posts is not good for our blog health. We should keep it’s density below 3% for better optimization of our blog posts.
The locations I’m going to tell you to add keywords are the safest and best locations of our blog area. If you want to get your blog posts rank high in search results, then don’t miss to target below locations:

1# Starting and Ending Para of Content

Whenever you write new post for your blog, always remember to add your main keyword in first and last paragraph of your content’s. Both the locations are best for this purpose and search engines also look for keywords in these two places to decide the ranking of our blog posts.
We can add more targeted words in the form of phrases between the content to make it more SEO friendly.
Note: Don’t use same words again and again. Better to use multiple and relevant words. Using multiple related word not only protect our content from keyword stuffing penalty but also help it to appear high with multiple search terms. Hence more targeted traffic to our blog.. :)

2# Image Name, Alt Tag and Title Tag

We all know that images plays best role in explanation of the topic. But using images we can also optimize our blog posts even better.
We just need to optimize our images before inserting them into our posts. The better we optimize the images, the better our posts will optimize for search engines. Read below mentioned post to know best 6 ways to optimize images.
If we talk about adding targeted words in blog posts using images, then let me tell you that image’s name, title tag and alt tag are the best and prominent places.

3# Title Of Our Posts

Our post titles are the top most places to add our targeted keywords. You may listen that we should use catchy post titles to attract more readers. But with catchy post titles we should also remember to add our keywords there.
Meaningful post titles grab more audience. Not only from social sharing sites, but from search engines too.
So, always try to use meaningful and catchy post titles to boost your posts traffic.

4# Permalink of Posts

Permalink is the URL of our blog posts. It’s a killer location to add really targeted keywords.
By default, permalinks create on the basis of our post’s titles. But we can use our custom permalinks to add our keywords.
To add custom permalinks go to your Post Editor > click on Permalink from the right side menu and choose Custom Permalink. Add your main keywords there and press Done button.
optimize blog posts
Note: Always try to use only targeted keywords in permalinks. Other non important words should be ignored.

5# Post Labels

Post labels not only used to categorize our blog posts. If used smartly then we can take their benefits to optimize our blog posts too.
Stop using non keyword rich names for your labels. Named them correctly and put your really targeted words there.
If you had forgetten to insert your keywords in label’s name, then don’t worry. We can rename them too.

6# Post Comments

Many bloggers are unaware with this trick that we can use our blog comments too to add some keywords in our blog posts.
Yes, you heard it right. There are lot of benefits of blog comments and if we use them effectively then no doubt we can get higher ranking in search results.
Whenever you reply your reader’s comment on your blog, try to add some keyword phrases in your reply in a natural way that looks obvious while reading.
Note: Instead of adding your focused words try to use some long tail keywords in your comment section. In that way you can improve your keywords ranking too.

Final Words!

This is my strategy to add keywords in blogger blog posts. And truly said these methods really help me to gain higher rankings in search results. I had shared all the working ways to optimize blog posts.
Now I would like to ask you a question: How you add your keywords in your posts for SEO?
Please share your experience with me and my readers via comments. Your comment can help many other bloggers. And if you think my post was something worth reading, then please share it with your social media friends. Sharing is Caring! Right?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tips To Increase Traffic And Making More Money From Your Blog

Why only writing if you can’t make money out of it. Stop investing your all the time in just writing your articles. Make a schedule and plan to work on your money making strategies too. There are lot of ways today for the bloggers to make profitable blogging. Let me explain few of them:
Affiliate Marketing

If you missed our previous post, then I must recommend you to go through it first to learn how to be successful in Affiliate Marketing. It’s the best way to make money out of the box for internet marketers.
Start looking some useful products and promote them among your audience. You’ll see a steady growth in your earnings from your blog.

You can sign up to ClickBank and Commission Junction to avail affiliate marketing.
Sponsored Reviews

Making money by writing articles and publishing in your own blog is really a coolest way I have ever found. If you don’t know what does sponsored reviews means then let me tell you that it’s all about reviewing other’s products or services to increase their brand awareness and sales.
You’ll get decent money by writing sponsored reviews to your blog.

To start with this money making concept you must have branding of your blog like better Alexa Rank, Page Rank, Domain Authority and Powerful social signals. I can’t stop myself saying it again that take a break from your writing process, and start promoting and improving your blog.
You can Sign up to sites like SponsoredReviews, ReviewMe, PostJoint to grab some sponsored review opportunities.
Start Providing Your Own Services

Providing your own services to your readers can add more money to your bank with no time. Believe me, I have found this one of the best ways to make money online. Start your own services that can help to your readers. Convert them into your clients and make more possible money. You can see my blog as an example. Currently I’m offering two services to my readers: SEO Services and Free WordPress Installation Service.

Bonus Tip: Whatever your services are all about, look at some affiliate products related to your services and promote them with your clients. You can make double money easily. One is your service charges and other is affiliate commission. Isn’t a cool idea? ;)

Over To You!

This is what I was trying from a long time and got some great results. I personally suggest you to give these tips a try and you’ll surely get success in your goals. If you know some other best ways to make money from blog, then please let me know via comments. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tweet inShare 3 Creepy Myths about ‘Buying’ Facebook Likes Nobody Wants to Tell You

Let me Guess..
We all want our blogs to get to the top with insane amount of fan following. Likes, Pins, Followers, Stumbles : Every blogger loves that.  You, me or anyone else would love to get Thousands and Thousands of likes in their fan pages.
Okay, but the question is HOW?
Now there’s two ways of doing it. Either the ol’ traditional way of building fans on trust; or the new ways of ‘Buying fans‘ for a few bucks. You see, ‘likes‘ has gone through a drastic change in recent years.  Earlier we needed almost a Years’ time to get atleast thousands likes. But, why to do so much hardwork, when you can get more than 1000+ likes in a matter of seconds? Moreover websites such as Fiverr and SEOclerks have paved the way of buying ‘LIKES‘.
But why to buy fans?
This has been the burning question among bloggers these days. Some go with and some against it. It has both pros and cons at the same time. Now, reverting back to the question, in the current competition of blogs where millions of blogs are pitted against each other, who gets the TIME? Barely you get time to write a good post, where is the time to build such a page? Whereas, by spending a few bucks you can get tons of followers.
Beat this : 5000+ Facebook Likes for 5$
Sounds irresistible? Plans like this has been successful to capture blogger’s mind. Believe it or not, I too had fallen into the trap. But by God’s grace, luckily I didn’t bought it.

Basically, Facebook is the best way to build an great fan base. Facebook Likes indeed can help your reach to more and more people, and increase your audience. But what matters the most is how you do it.

So today, I’m here to throw light on why you shouldn’t buy Facebook likes & how are they harmful to your blog.

1. Buying Likes won’t help you for Instant results

It’s the most common mindset for bloggers striving for likes. The  basic reason : Instant Results. Call it a taboo or myth, most people think that getting more likes will make you instantly popular in your niche. It’s NOT going to make you rich, or popular, either.
Always remember, there are no shortcuts in social media marketing. There are other ways available, but  they aren’t preferred  or encouraged much. Yes, buying fans is a good option, but it is a short-term process. Who knows? One fine day all of your fans gets deplete at a steep rate. Or the worst, gets shut down by Facebook!
Even if you try to go other way, building genuine fans, there’s quite a ‘err’. Even though they have ‘liked’ your pages, they might have different hobbies, taste or niche. So basically, they don’t have interest in your blog, since they aren’t interested in your niche.
No matter what, you won’t see INSTANT RESULTS either way!
Still, it’s better that you go with authentic way and assure that your likes are genuine rather than fake.

2. Buying Likes won’t increase your Edge Rank

If you go through Facebook marketing, you would often see the term ‘Edge Rank‘. Basically, Edge Rank is the algorithm used by Facebook to determine which comes first at one’s news feed.
Here too comes a great myth. Often people assume that when they update their status, almost all your friends and your fans will see this. Unfortunately, it’s not the truth. Facebook uses a different algorithm for it too, which almost no one knew beside Facebook engineers themselves.
This means that if you are buying likes for the sake of getting the best of Edge rank, then it is going in vain. Edge Rank is more of SEO. Wherein SEO, buying cheap links won’t improve your Search Engine Rank. Buying Fake fans won’t improve your Edge Rank

3. Buying Likes Won’t Help for  Marketing

If you hope that these new likes will make other people interested in your stuff, BEWARE. They aren’t.
First of all they might or might not have interest in your business. Second, most of these likes come from account which are either programmed or are largely inactive. Which makes that it won’t help you at all.
So, here are some of the few major drawbacks of buying fake likes.
Will you still buy Facebook likes?
Do let us know in comments.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

How To Increase Twitter Followers Instantly?

Steps to Increase Your Twitter Followers

Below are some very easy steps that you have to follow to gain really targeted followers for your blog instantly.
  1. Make a list of some big blogs under your niche that have a huge list of twitter followers.

  2. Open their twitter page.

  3. Now check their followers. Below screenshot shows the twitter followers of a very popular blog    

    Click on FOLLOWERS link and follow their followers as many as possible.

    1. These are those people who have interest in your niche. Follow maximum people to gain maximum followers. There is really a cool formula on twitter that “You Follow Me, I Follow You Back!“. When we follow others, the majority of people follow us back on twitter.

    2. That’s it!

    These were very simple steps to increase targeted followers on twitter.
  4. Don’t Miss: How to Auto Tweet Blog Posts on Twitter?
But there is a problem.
The chances are also high that people don’t follow us back. So, we have to unfollow those people who are not following us back. It’s because our followers should look naturally increased. If we don’t remove the people who are not reciprocal with us, then anyone will get to know about our trick by doing a simple comparison between the number of people we are following and the number of our followers.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Google Plus Tips And Tricks

1.Introduce yourself


 Update your profile


Profile is where people can find out the newest about you. Select a profile photo that allows friends identify you, then add a some information that explain who you are.Use circles to choose who recognizes what. 
      • Select a cover photo 

A cover photo makes a great first impact when people visit your information. So choose wonderful photo that records how you are or informs you. 
      • Include your school and work 


Include some primary details to your details to help your friends discover you by. Where have you worked,lived and schooling.Search Google+ for friends who belong to same place.
        • Manage your privacy settings 

Google+ allows you handle who you listen to from. Check out Settings page to select who can tag you in images,posts, and deliver you notifications. You can also select who can talk with you through the “Privacy settings”.

2. Connect with family and friends


Add family and friends to see what they are sharing and discuss a few things back. Search your email to identify friends you know on Google+ Or discover friends from your school and work to exchange experiences. 
      • Google+ Circles

Circles make it easy to discuss the right factors with the right individuals.Share things with friends and family. Google+ circles are simply sharing across all of Google.

3. Follow interesting people 


Some of the innovative and motivating ideas are on Google+, publishing their newest ideas, videos, and images. Add your favorite Celebrities,sportsmen and musicians to see what they are saying right now. With Google+ we can automatically save every hangout on air to our youtube  account and share it to the world.
      • Start a hangout

Begin a hangout and invite individuals or Google+ circles to be a part of you. Then name your hangout.
      • Enable Hangouts On Air 

Check out “Enable Hangouts On Air”. Once you do this, you will need to accept the Terms of Service and also link your YouTube account. 

4.Share like 


Circles are an simple way to arrange the people you know They allow you to choose who you want to share with. Google+ provide you a few circles to share with friends,family and relatives. Decide who suits in each, and create new circles for even more.

Join the conversation 


When you find out a post that passions you show your admiration. +1 is a fast way to say “that’s pretty cool.” Add some comment if you want to say more, or reshare the post with your friends. 

  5.Say Hi 


Google+ is about great interactions. When you find an exciting post, display your gratitude by including a +1 or comment.Share something new like photo,videos,link, or whatever else is on your thoughts.


      • Discover people you know


Connect e-mail account to discover everyone in your contacts who already using Google+. Discover your loved friends add your school,college, or work to discover people who were there with you. If you are looking for someone in particular, you can search for them by name.

Create a Google+ Page For business


To make a Google+ page, you first need to have a profile on Google+. You can sign in using your Google account. If you do not have Google account creates one which is very simple and fast to join. Creating a Google+ page delivers you nearer to your customers, followers and fans on Google+. For creating page just choose a category related to your business where we have different groups like local business or place, product or brand, company, organization, arts, entertainment, sports, others etc., .Google+ enables you to explore how your followers interactions on your page impact your product and your business. Google+ pages are a way to use Google+ for your business

Thursday, December 5, 2013

5 Surefire Benefits of Updating Your Blog Regularly

5 Reasons Why Blogging Daily is Important

Daily blogging means working daily for blog to update it regularly with unique and original content that attract readers. Below are major benefits of blogging daily as compare to rarely updated blogs.

1# Search Engine Ranking

When we update our blog on daily basis, it starts gaining trust of search engines. And this is the most important factor to gain higher ranking in search results.
Search engines loves daily updated blogs and shows their content high in search results. So, always focus to update your blog as frequent as possible.

2# Improve Indexing Rate

Many times my readers ask me the solution to improve their blog’s indexing rate. They told me that their articles are not getting index in search engines even after several days.
The main reason behind this is only the frequency at which they update their blog. If we daily publish articles on our blog then search crawlers will visit our blog regularly to crawl and index our latest content. Through which we can get higher indexing rate for our blog. :)
Improve your blog’s indexing rate by submitting your blog sitemap to Google, Bing and Yahoo.

3# Build Solid Readership

Readers always like to read blog regularly they love the most. They visit those blogs in the hope to get newly published content written for them by the blog owner.
If we publish interesting content on our blog regularly then we can easily increase our readership trust and blog authority.
Our readers will visit our blog more often for updated content and we can easily build solid readership around our blog.
Previously I had discussed 2 killer posts to improve blog readership. You must follow those tips to become a successful and smart blogger. Check below mentioned post.

4# Boost Our Alexa Ranking

There are many ways to improve alexa ranking but the simplest factor is that if we gain traffic from those users who have installed Alexa Toolbar in their browser then we could boost our Alexa Ranking super fast.
Updating blog frequently increases our blog traffic and chances become higher to land Alexa Toolbar users on our blog. That could boost Alexa ranking of our blog URL.
In starting days of my blog, I used to update my blog as often as possible that gives my blog’s alexa rank a boost in just 2 months. You must read the complete story.

5# Attract Advertisers

Advertisers look for daily updated blogs having impressive alexa ranking and page rank. If we daily publish quality content, then we can gain high Google Page Rank for our blog. In this way we can easily attract more and more advertisers to our blog for selling ad spots.
More advertisers mean more income from our blog. And after satisfying our readers, make money from blog is our main goal. Right?
Check below post for a killer trick to increase your Google Page rank and attract more advertisers to your blog :)

Summary Points

Why we should update our blog regularly and what are the benefits of daily blogging?
  • It helps to improve ranking of blog posts in search engines.
  • Gives us higher indexing rate and build search engines trust.
  • Surefire way to build solid blog readership.
  • Increase Alexa Ranking and Google Page Rank.
  • Attract numberless readers that give us high traffic.
  • Increase blog revenue by attracting advertisers towards our blog.


The conclusion of this post is only that if there are lots of benefits of updating our blog regularly then we must focus on this strategy. Although Content is always KING that can help us to become a successful blogger.
Share your experience and views with me about daily blogging and what benefits you are getting from it.
Hope you would like this article and please don’t forget to share it. :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

4 Tips for Becoming a Blogging Networking Machine

1# Be a Friend to Become a Friend

Be a friend. Support people you meet. Be nice. Be helpful. Be a friend. This is simple. This simple act sets the foundation for a prospering relationship.
How do you treat offline friends? Well treat your online blogging friends the same way. Help. Go above and beyond to support your friends.

2# Create Comments like Content

The easiest way to make an impact in minutes is to read a blog post and create a memorable, valuable, piece of content with your comments. You will stand out from the crowd and make a ton of friends.
Comments can be your best friend in the networking department. Bloggers love receiving comments. Awesome comments? Well heck, you will have a blogger friend for life if you post 3-4 paragraph masterpieces on their blog, because each comment is a piece of content.

This means that search engines love crawling sites and seeing many insightful comments. Active, engaging blogs do well in search engines which of course spikes your blog traffic quickly.

3# Create Guest Posts for Buddies

I reached out to Ankit to see if he needed me to write a guest post. He did. So I churned this out. Here I am, making buddies with his audience and strengthening my relationship with Ankit too.
Read: How to Convince Someone to Write a Guest Post for You: 5 Steps
My network grows stronger and guess what? Guest posting benefits me too. Win-win situation here. I expand my presence and boost my blog traffic while providing Ankit with helpful, relevant content for his blog.
So our friendship grows stronger, my network expands and both parties win.
Be aggressive on the guest posting front to become a real networking machine. Famous entertainers network like mad, collaborating with other singers. Same deal with guest blogging. Showing up everywhere makes you memorable.

4# Open Up Your Blog to Guest Posting

This one is tough to follow for many bloggers. Perfectionists or selfish people want all the publicity for themselves. Unfortunately, selfish, greedy people make few friends in this world.
Generous people become networking machines. Because generous people are popular; we all love free givers.
I have roughly 20 guest posters on my blog. More are hopping on board quickly though as I sort through my email and field requests.
Hey, who WOULDN’T want to post on a blog that gets 10,000 page visits daily? And if I allow people to post, to share my platform, I am going to meet more, and more people, and my network grows, and my page visits will jump on autopilot as I simply review, hit “Publish”, and my network grows again.
Read: Why I Opt Guest Posting For My Blog?
Accept guest posts. Stress the benefits of guest posting on your blog. Share your metrics. Grow your blogging network.

Your Turn

How do you grow your blogging network? Are you struggling to make blogging buddies?
What tips can you add to this list? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. I would love to chat with you.